No Doubt comemora de forma tímida os 25 anos do álbum “Tragic Kingdom”

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No Doubt comemora de forma tímida os 25 anos do álbum “Tragic Kingdom” imagem divulgação

“Às vezes, grandes coisas desmoronam, o que é uma pena”, essa frase escrita no Instagram por Tom Dumont, guitarrista do No Doubt,  demostra o clima com que a banda viu a passagem de um quarto de século de seu aclamado álbum Tragic Kingdom.

Embora Dumont, a vocalista Gwen Stefani, o baixista Tony Kanal e o batera Adrian Young tenham se manifestado nas redes sociais neste 10 de outubro, que marcou os 25 anos de lançamento do terceiro álbum do grupo, nenhum deles se mostrou disposto a sugerir uma celebração, como uma performance especial. Ao contrário, Dumont sugeriu que eles não devem mais tocar juntos.

Stefani compartilhou um vídeo do No Doubt e escreveu: “Este disco mudou minha vida”. Kanal disse em sua publicação: “Não tínhamos ideia do que ia acontecer quando estávamos escrevendo essas músicas”. Enquanto que Young disse: “Nossas vidas estavam prestes a mudar drasticamente como resultado disso”.


Ver essa foto no Instagram


Honolulu, Hawaii October 1995. L-R: Tony, Adrian, Gabrial, Gwen, Me, Stephen, Donnie. I can’t believe it’s been 25 years, in some ways it feels like yesterday, in some ways it feels like a distant dream. I started playing guitar with No Doubt in 1988. In ’92 we released our first album, and then in ‘93 we began writing songs for the follow up. We were all going to college & some of us worked jobs, and after almost 3 years of working on it, Tragic Kingdom finally came out on October 10, 1995. What I remember most is that despite the challenges, it was a very creative and magical time. Gwen, Adrian, Tony and I had real chemistry as bandmates and collaborators, and we discovered our voices as we wrote & recorded those songs together. I appreciate the friendships and camaraderie we shared in those years. We were passionate about our music, and the fact that Tragic Kingdom has touched so many people around the world is beyond what I could have ever imagined. Sometimes great things fall apart, which is a shame. Yet here we are, 25 years later. It is what it is, & I keep trying to make peace with that. I’m especially grateful to all those who helped us along the way, and most of all to those of you who enjoyed Tragic Kingdom and came out to the shows over the years. I’d love to do one more No Doubt tour, but it feels like that ain’t gonna happen. It’s bittersweet. In any case, what great memories, thanks all.

Uma publicação compartilhada por Tom Dumont (@tomdumontphoto) em


Ver essa foto no Instagram


We had already been a band for 9 years before Tragic Kingdom came out. We had no idea what was going to happen when we were writing these songs. Through all of the fun and challenging times, we were just a group of friends on a mission to express ourselves musically. Sometimes It felt like it was us against the world but our love for our band got us through it all. Every part of this album was real as fuck. The writing, the recording, the touring, the shows, doing press. All filled with joy, rawness, discovery, excitement, heartache, exhaustion, gratification and beauty. No amount of time that passes will diminish the things we accomplished and experienced together. To everyone that embraced Tragic Kingdom and made it a part of their lives, you have my never ending appreciation and gratitude. You guys are incredible. You gave us the fuel to continue creating, keep playing, write more songs and release more albums. Happy 25th Tragic Kingdom to us all ❤️ 📸: I don’t know who took these photos. If you do please let me know so I can credit them.

Uma publicação compartilhada por Tony Kanal (@tonykanal) em

Tragic Kingdom colocou o No Doubt na rota do sucesso mundial na metade dos anos 90 com faixas que influenciaram toda uma geração, como “Just a Girl”, “Excuse Me Mr.” e “Spiderwebs”. O single “Don’t Speak” atingiu o Top 1 na Billboard 200 em dezembro de 1996, mais de um ano após seu lançamento.

Relembre esse importante álbum do No Doubt no player abaixo: