Superlive de domingo tem Michael Stipe, Patti Smith, Flea, Cat Power e Ben Harper

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Superlive de domingo tem Michael Stipe, Patti Smith, Flea, Cat Power e Ben Harper imagem divulgação

Seu domingo de quarentena promete ser agitado por uma superlive que vai rolar num evento on-line que visa celebrar o 50º aniversário do Dia da Terra

O concerto do Pathway to Paris anunciou participações de grandes nomes da música, como Michael Stipe, Patti Smith, Flea, Cat Power e Ben Harper.

De acordo com os organizadores, as apresentações chamarão a atenção para as mudanças climáticas e ressaltarão que este momento em que a humanidade vive uma pandemia pode representar a hora exata de uma união dos povos para encontrar as soluções para os nossos problemas.

A transmissão ocorrerá a partir das 17h – horário de Brasília – no perfil oficial da organização no Instagram (AQUI).


Ver essa foto no Instagram


Happy Earth Day! We are thrilled and excited to invite you to join us for Pathway to Paris Earth Day 50: A Virtual Festival for our Planet on Sunday April 26th at 4pm EST. As humanity faces an unknown future, we must recognize the fact that we simply cannot go back to our behavior from before. Both as individuals and as a globe, we are in a time of reflection, and now, more than ever, we have the opportunity to make great change. . Climate change is a global concern, and we have seen with Covid-19 what can happen when the world truly works together to come up with solutions in a time of crisis. Let’s treat the climate situation with that same urgency and passion. Let’s not go back to the world as it was. Instead, let’s move into the future with a renewed vision of how we want to live. Let’s do this not only for our children and future generations, but for each other, here today. For our neighbors, friends, and family, for the animals and trees, for every living being and species on this Earth. . In light of this all, we invite you to join us as we use our voices and platforms to raise awareness, and realize how truly interconnected we all are, not only with each other, but with our one and only beautiful planet. See you Sunday!! . . #earthday50 #earthday #pathwaytoparis #pattismith #michaelstipe #rem #flea #tonyhawk #benharper #catpower #tenzinchoegyal #patrickwatson #gigidatome #micahnelson #rajulama #olafureliasson #giovannicaccamo #dolomiti #italy #jesseparissmith #rebeccafoon #rainphoenix Graphics by @kinshipgoods THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

Uma publicação compartilhada por Pathway to Paris (@pathway2paris) em

Esse evento on-line segue a mesma pegada da transmissão que rolou ontem em celebração ao Dia da Terra e que reuniu nomes como Moby, Aimee Mann e Angelique Kidjo. (Veja como foi  AQUI)

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